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Pixie QA

Every thing you need to know

How does Pixie work?

It uses advanced handheld laser technology (IPL) to target hair follicles, effectively
inhibiting hair regrowth for smoother skin over time.

What's IPL?

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is a cutting-edge skincare technique that uses filtered light wavelengths to target specific concerns like hair removal and pigmentation. By delivering controlled energy to the skin's deeper layers, IPL gently breaks down targeted molecules, yielding gradual and effective results. With its adaptable approach and minimal discomfort, IPL offers a transformative journey towards radiant, rejuvenated skin.

Is IPL safe?

IPL stands as a widely embraced and extensively studied choice for secure and efficient long-term hair removal. Our IPL devices have received FDA clearance for secure usage at home. Furthermore, they hold certifications from FCC, CE, and RoHS. Our IPL hair removal ensures the absence of cancer risk or enduring complexities linked to UV exposure, with all UV rays diligently filtered to safeguard your skin's well-being.

Is it painful?

Absolutely not!

Unlike various hair removal methods, IPL is essentially painless – no need to grit your teeth, or endure any painful pulling. While individuals with sensitive skin might feel slight discomfort on higher settings, opting for a lower intensity ensures a remarkably gentle treatment experience.

Is IPL effective for various skin types and hair colors?

Regrettably, not all hair and skin types are compatible with IPL treatment. Typically, IPL and laser hair removal may not yield desired results for individuals with blonde or red hair, as well as those with very dark skin tones. Refer to our informative chart below for further insights.

Does Pixie will work for men?

Certainly! Both males and females can utilize Pixie

Tanning and IPL treatments

To take good care of your skin, it's best to wait around 2 weeks after getting a tan before using the handset. And if you happen to get a sunburn, give your skin a break from the device for at least a month.

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Skin & Hair

Unfortunately, IPL does not work on blonde and red hair or very dark skin.
Use our chart to see if Pixie
will work for you